Adult membership
Membership is by calendar year except for cross-country only members who may join from October to the next September.
Full senior membership is £50 (£35 for students and unwaged) and includes England Athletics membership. Visit the Member Mojo website for all membership types and costs.
Try before you join
You are very welcome to come and try out a few sessions on a Tuesday or Thursday evening before you decide if you want to join. Check out the new members’ handbook to learn more.
How to join
Visit the Member Mojo website and follow the instructions for new members and renewals. Read the membership form notes before you complete the new member form.
Once you have completed the form and selected your payment option, we will send an acknowledgement email containing the payment details. You will receive a further email when we have processed your payment (up to seven days later).
Parents of a young athlete
If you are the parent of a young athlete, you may have used your own email address for that membership account. Membermojo uses email addresses as account IDs, so you will need to do one of the following:
Use a different email address to create your own membership account.
Log into membermojo with your child’s account and create a new membership that shares your email.
Full instructions for both of these options are included on the membermojo homepage.
Membership notes
If joining as a second claim member, please provide your EA number on the membership form.
To use any track and field facilities and equipment at Tisley Park you must pay a separate track fee at reception or hold annual / six monthly membership.
First claim members of another club, which does not compete in track and field, may join as us first claim members for track and field. Contact John Styles for details of the necessary procedure that must be followed.
Annual England Athletics (EA) subscription: Membership fees include the £19 to join EA. If you decide not to pay this subscription, you will not be able to compete in club and open competitions organised under UKA rules unless there is a mechanism for unattached runners who will pay an appropriate levy.
To opt-out of EA subscription:
complete the form on the Member Mojo website (opens in a new tab)
reduce your club membership subscription by £19 (this does not apply to second claim members)
tell John Styles via the form below that you wish to opt out.
Payment methods
You can pay by bank transfer (BACS), cheque, or cash. We will provide instructions in your membership welcome email.
Contact the membership secretary
If you have any questions about adult membership, please contact John Styles using the form below.