Sources of guidance and advice to help you train on the trails, road and track.
Our coaches share their wisdom across a variety of topics.
Coach Colin has put together a training guide to help you find inspiration when training on your own.
Advice about 'doing a double' from coach Bernard.
Some advice from Coach Bernard about training using what’s around you.
Advice from Coach Bernard for athletes tapering for major events.
Read Tapering.
Coach Bernard looks at the 'hard-easy principle' and how it can fit into your training.
Read The hard-easy principle.
Coach Bernard shines some light on low-intensity training.
Read Low-intensity training.
Tempo, threshold, what does it all mean? Coach Bernard sheds some light on these staples of endurance running.
Coach Bernard shares his thoughts about when it's good to take a break.
Read Break or break?
Coach Bernard's guide to the benefits of the long run.
Read Run long, run relaxed.
Coach Bernard shares his thoughts about doing an effective warm-up.
Read Warming up.
Coach Bernard's advice about fitting in fodder before that big race.
Read Food for thought.
Advice from Coach Bernard about keeping warm before events and cooling down afterwards.
Read Stay warm but cool down.
Coach Bernard describes the different types of hill training sessions.
Read Head for the hills.
A system to help structure those repetition sessions.
Read Frankly speaking.