The joys of running on the track 

Club member, James Hobson describes what it’s like to run on the track and why you should give it a go!

As athletes, we all have our favourite surfaces to run on and our favorite workouts and I am no exception; to me I cannot think of anything worse than participating in the mud and rain of cross country but will happily run miles on the road or track whatever the weather. I think it may stem from always getting told off as a kid for being muddy, but trying something new can refresh our outlook and give us a new perspective on things we though we did not like doing. Though I must say a muddy parkrun can be fun. Maybe with persuasion I could be a convert.

Don’t be intimidated

So it is with this in mind that many athletes including myself can be intimidated by running on the track.

When I first started to think about running around in circles it took a few weeks of discussion with my parkrun friends to think whether running on the track was for me.

I was initially scared that I would be too slow, or that I would not understand what I was supposed to be doing. Did I have the right trainers? Everyone on the track always looks a lot quicker than me. However, after several conversations and persuasion from members of the club ( I was not a member of the club when I first started going to track ) to give it a go and a promise that I may even beat them at parkrun if I did a few track sessions I thought I would give it go. It also has the added advantage that as I am running around in circles my sense of direction as many of you know is far from fantastic so at least I cannot get lost on the track.

Let the adventure begin!

Yes, the track is a different from of training from what I was used to but with the promise of faster parkrun time potentially looming was the final push I needed to step foot on to the red surface.

It did feel as exotic as going to Mars and I was breaking barriers for myself by doing something different. But with my fellow park runners I was greeted with a big smile. I did not have a clue what was to lie ahead ; my adventures on the track were about to begin.

How a track session works

All track sessions start with a gentle warm up and it is gentle; a couple of laps of the track, which was really helpful so knew where I am going. This was then followed by running over a few steps and then another lap of the track with a few gentle exercises to get ready for the main event.

Running around in circles

The session that occurs on the track can be anything from longer efforts to short sprints with a short rest and recuperation after each effort. Although I might not get lost on the track, I didn’t realise it takes a slightly different skill set to run round in circles. This is where using the experience of other runners in the group can be invaluable. I tag on to the shoulder of people who I know who are about the same ability as me and keep on their shoulder and let them pull me round. It certainly is helpful in having someone to run with so that I could understand how it feels and the amount of effort I should be putting in for each lap.

Stay on track

With all runners there will always be someone in the group who is the wise old head and will keep you literally on track.

Since starting the track session, it has been a significant and fundament help in improving my times but also my technique and getting to know a great group of people who always willing to offer help and advise both on and off the track.

Who knew that running around in circles could be so fulfilling and a key part of not only a training schedule but of my week as a whole.

Give it a go!

For those who are hesitant who are unsure; circle the square and come and give it go. You don’t have be a the quickest athlete out there to join the track sessions, but if you come along you will certainly improve and get better at running quicker.

Find out about adult track coaching.