Mota-vation summer series
Kidlington Running Club organises this hugely popular inter-club series of races.
Over the summer, our club competes in the hugely popular Mota-vation series, exclusively for club members across Oxfordshire. All five races are on Thursday evenings starting in May. The series is very inclusive and a lot of fun. The longest race is 5 miles, although most are around 4 miles. All the races are in pretty Oxfordshire villages on quiet roads.
If you are new to the club or new to racing, this is the perfect place to start!
Find out more on the Kidlington Running Club website.
How to enter
The entry cost is £20 for the series.
We get a huge number of entries and must meet the organisers' requirements.
Follow the steps below.
Complete the online entry form.
Pay the £20 for your entry by BACS, cheque or cash by 7 April.
Pay by BACS
Paying by BACS is the easiest method. We include account details in the email you get back from the online form.
Pay the £20 per runner.
Use the payment reference MVSurname.
Pay by cheque or cash
Make the cheque payable to Abingdon AC. Write the runner's name and payment reference number on the back of the cheque.
Give the paper form to any club committee member. If you're paying by cheque or cash, put it in a sealed envelope with the form.