Join the celebrations at Tilsley Park. Abingdon AC is 40 years old in 2022, so to mark the occasion, we are planning a club-wide event.
11 am - 1 pm - Sports day. We will compete in mixed teams that include all ages. Activities will all be on the track and are likely to include: a 75-metre sprint, 600-metre run long jump and howler throw. We will award points, but first and foremost want this to be a fun and inclusive event. Parents who aren’t members of the club are welcome to join in.
1 pm - 3 pm - Food. We hope to provide a BBQ (there will be veggie/vegan options available).
3 pm - 5 pm Club awards ceremony. This ceremony will be in place of the annual awards evening that we usually hold in January.
The event is ticketed but free. You can get tickets via the club email newsletter and Facebook.