Expenses policy and claim form

This document describes the Abingdon Athletics Club Expenses Policy, including the travel allowances policy and what the club pays for in terms of club kit and affiliations.

Last updated: February 2025
Club Treasurer: Neil Fagan


The club will meet reasonable costs and disbursements directly associated with the training and development of coaches and officials.

The club will cover expenses including:

  • course fees

  • club events

  • necessary equipment and materials

  • food and refreshments (max £10)

  • travel costs (public transport and private vehicle mileage)

You will need to provide receipts or payment evidence to make a claim.

If in doubt about the eligibility of any claim, the claimant should discuss eligibility with the club treasurer, officials co-ordinator or coach co-ordinator prior to purchasing items or making a claim.

Approval limits

All expenses must be approved in advance of the expenditure based on the following financial limits:

  • £0-£50 - at least one committee member

  • £50-£500 - finance sub-committee

  • Over £500 - full committee approval

Course fees for coaches, officials and club officers

The club will meet costs directly associated with the training and development of coaches and officials.

Before any course is booked, agreement must be sought from the officials’ co-ordinator or coach co-ordinator.

If an AAC member leaves the club within 12 months of attending a course paid for by AAC, they shall reimburse AAC the cost of the course subject to the discretion of the AAC committee.

Necessary equipment and materials

The club will cover the costs required to support coaching, officiating at events and required for the running of the club. Any significant costs (>£100) must be approved by the club’s committee, but everyday items for events, such as race numbers, stationary, starter equipment and stopwatches can be claimed via an expenses form.

Food and refreshments

The club will cover the reasonable costs of food and refreshments (maximum £10) for officials working away from our home ground at Tilsley Park, as well for official club social events and annual club runs, such as the Pud Run.

Travel allowances

Coaches and other club officials and volunteers periodically need to travel to events and attend approved training courses away from our home ground of Tilsley Park. This section describes the mileage rate that can be claimed for travelling on official club business. The rate is intended to cover the full costs of fuel and vehicle ownership for those that require support to travel, but if a club member wishes to claim fuel only, they may do so (requires a receipt).

Payment rate

Rate per mile: 40p

The payment is to cover fuel and all other costs. Max mileage allowed 5,000 miles.


The allowance is to support volunteer roles and is not for competitive athletes, except for special arrangements pre-approved by the club’s committee.

Anyone claiming the allowance must confirm they agree to the following conditions:

  1. Their vehicle is insured, taxed and has a valid MOT.

  2. They have considered car sharing to minimise costs and carbon footprint.

  3. They have followed any other mandatory government advice, such as Covid restrictions.

  4. They are driving at their own risk and the club accepts no liability related to the trip.

How to claim

Complete the expenses claim form below. The form is sent to the club treasurer.

Expenses form

Affiliations, leagues and races

AAC will pay for the following affiliations, leagues and races.

Athletic body affiliations

  • England Athletics (EA) (also covers Nationals – English Road Running Association (ERRA) and English Cross Country Association (ECCA))

  • Oxfordshire Athletics Association (OAA) –this includes T&F and XC

  • South East Athletics Association (SEAA) - this includes T&F and XC

League affiliations

  • Four track and field leagues:

    • Wessex Young Athletes League

    • Oxon Junior League

    • Southern Counties Veterans Athletics Club

    • Midland Track and Field League (Senior)

  • Cross country - BBO XC champs (Bucks, Berks & Oxfordshire championship); Oxfordshire Cross Country League

  • Sportshall

Race entries

  1. Track and field - affiliation includes race entries for 3 leagues (Wessex Junior, Southern Counties Vets (Male and Female teams), and Midland Senior.

  2. Track and field (per person charge) - Oxon Junior.

  3. Cross country (per person charge) – SEAA XC Relays; Oxfordshire XC champs.

  4. Trail relays (per person charge) - Ridgeway relay, Oxon Green Belt.

  5. Road relays – SEAA Relays.

  6. Sportshall (per person charge).

  7. Cross country - Bucks, Berks & Oxfordshire Championship(BBO XC); Oxfordshire Cross Country League (noting there is no affiliation cost now so borne wholly through the race entry).

Travel and entry for all other races are at the cost of the participants

For ease of administration, AAC will often pay for race entries up front and then the participants will pay AAC.

AAC kit management

AAC will pay for up to two approved garments for active coaches, one per year. Replacement kit will be provided at the discretion of the coach coordinator.

AAC will award the winners of the club champs an item of their choice from the AAC catalogue on the Blueblood website.

AAC will pay for a team manager’s polo shirt.

All other items are at the expense of the individuals.