Race the Train 2024

Race report by Graham Lougher

This time last year I was served an ad for race the train. The more I looked into it the more I liked. Race a narrow gauge steam train along trails aiming to beat it back to the station.

There was lots of different distances, but the main race which has been going since 1984 is the 14 mile rotary challenge. This was the one for me.

After some discussion as our first child was due a month before race day I decided to enter and make a weekend of it - especially as unusually the race is on a Saturday.

Graham, ready to race the train.

The race starts on a bridge outside the old railway station. The whistle of the train sets off the runners and the train. The train takes 1hour 47 minutes, the run distance is 14 miles. This was probably about doable for me on a flat road course, but there isn’t much of that here.

The course goes through the small town of Tywyn and is really well supported, it feels like the whole town is out. The first 2 miles are on road, then it goes through farms and up gravelly paths before crossing fields.

Choo! Choo! Sir Haydn, the steam train.

The sound of the train whistle in the background is a good motivator! Once you reach halfway it starts to get much tougher. You double back through a tunnel under the railway then steeply up slate steps before a long section on a ridge barely one shoe wide, a sharp drop to the left keeping you focussed.

After that is the so called “bog of doom”. At this point a runner pushed past me, karma got them though as they landed face first in the bog.

Several streams to cross then back to fields and farmyards. I’ve never been happier to be back on tarmac for the final stretch.

I was both delighted to see Daisy and Mimi waiting for me at the station and also slightly disappointed as it meant I had been beaten by the trains.

Daisy and baby Mimi, watching Graham pass by.

A good medal afterwards and a great atmosphere all day. Daisy and Mimi rode the train with their whole carriage looking out for my yellow Abingdon vest amongst the other club runners from far and wide including Didcot Runners and White Horse Harriers. It would be great to have a group of us do it and make it a outing. It may be my favourite event I’ve done and maybe one day I’ll beat that pesky train. Lots more photos on my Instagram.

A great medal.


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